3 Foundations of Inside-Out Future Building
This Insight Feature connects the 3 most powerful foundational practices and skills for creating better futures from the inside out.
When used together, these three practices serve as a clear inner guidance system for better being, sensing, relating, and co-creating our most desired futures.
INSIGHT: 3 Foundations for Inside-Out Future Building
1. Present Moment Awareness
Life happens in the present moment … yet we’re often living in our head thinking about the past or strategizing about the future.
Like mindfulness, when we develop the inner practice of Present Moment Awareness we more fully experience the richness and aliveness of each moment without judgement or interpretation. Present moment awareness can feel like an open space for perceiving, feeling and responding from our deeply held values and intention rather than the mischief of our ego.
The mantra for Present Moment Awareness is … Be here now. Beauty surrounds us always. When we are fully present, the things that matter most - like love, peace, care, empathy and creativity - can arise, expand us and re-direct us in the best of ways even in stressful circumstances.
2. Add Deep Inner Listening
Inner Listening becomes a superpower when practiced with present moment awareness.
Deep inner listening is more than hearing with the ears, it’s attuning to everything that is happening in present moment awareness. It’s a direct experience of listening to the content of our mind, our body intelligence, the depth of our being and what is truly happening with others and our environment.
This level of listening touches the depth of our being and hearts. Allowing us to connect with ourselves, others and the world around us more intentionally and with a sense of deep presence. It means dropping our ego agenda and our identities to wake up our natural capacity to live in listening rather than being entrapped in the mind.
3. Take Aligned Action
From the place of deep listening and present moment awareness, right action arises. Action, even small steps of experimental action, is critical in times of growth, struggle, uncertainty and transition. Through action we learn, discover and build capabilities to unfold what’s next.
We create our future with every action we take in the present moment. Be curious and compassionate with feelings and fears that naturally arise. Feelings are feelings and they need to move through us. Tune into your body and heart for clear guidance, then follow your heart.
Mini-Practice: See What You Notice.
Right now … bring your attention to this moment and what it feels like to attend what’s resting on the surface of this moments … thoughts, feelings, energy? Notice any noise around you and within you.
Now … take a moment, take a deep breath, exhale, shift your body into a comfortable position and gently shift your attention from the outside to bringing your awareness within and letting it expand … into the fullness or lived experience of this moment. Just deeply listen.
Can you sense a subtle shift? An expansion? A let go?
Or a different sense of what is actually happening within you and around you?
Simply uncontract and notice what becomes noticeable.
Whether you’re seeking creative insight about a certain problem or need a respite from your strategizing mind … remember this 3-fold awareness practice.
These three skills are instrumental for doing deeper inner work, such as transforming unhealthy patterns, learning how to access somatic or embodied wisdom, healing trauma or just finding a better way of being with the cross-currents of life.