For Better Business & Better Being
Spark. Transform. Share.
Here you’ll find insight for those navigating transitions, leaders pioneering business evolution, and those cultivating more aligned ways of Being. Life teaches us that Better Being, in heart, body, mind & actions, supports a more natural flow of creation, resilience, optimism and wellbeing.
3 Foundations of Inside-Out Future Building
Our future are created by what we think, feel and do in the present moment. Cultivate these 3 skills as a daily practice.
Real-World Power of Virtual Reality
For those of us who did not grow up gaming, social VR is an awe-inspiring playground for creativity, live-virtual gatherings and exploring the boundaries of immersive experiences.
Navigating in a VUCA World
Insights on business re-invention & adaptive re-orientation in today’s volatile, uncertain, complex & ambiguous world.
The Call to Quiet
To be human is to live in a constant state of discovery. Deep listening and embodied awareness are the doorways.